Your eyes are very sensitive and they should be taken care of properly on a regular basis. People may not experience any eye related issues or concerns, but it is important for everyone, especially those who have eye allergies, to pay attention to any symptoms that they may be experiencing. Dry eyes may be a common symptom or side effect of allergies or an an aversion to dry air, but dry eyes can also be the sign of dry eye syndrome, and we here at Enterprise Optometry Group can provide you with an comprehensive eye exam that will determine the underlying cause of your dry eye and provide you with any dry eye treatment in Shasta Lake that you might need.
As stated before, your eyes are incredibly sensitive parts of the body. Tears act as a natural barrier and defense against outside or airborne particles that can get lodged in your eye and cause harm. People who have dry eye syndrome, however, have insufficient tears. This means that their tears cannot properly clean or lubricate their eyes as they are intended to. This can lead to a variety of problems. If your eye cannot properly flush out airborne particles or other bits and pieces of things, such as gravel or even eyelashes, then these objects can easily get stuck in your eye, scratch it or otherwise injure it. Additionally if your eyes not properly lubricated your eyes can become frequently irritated, red and unhealthy. Symptoms associated with dry eye syndrome can be mistaken for eye allergies which is why it is so important to have an eye exam conducted to make sure. We here at Enterprise Optometry Group can provide you with the screening and testing required to make an accurate diagnosis. From there, we can provide you with any dry eye treatment in Shasta Lake that you might need.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with this condition, do not let them go overlooked or ignored. Whether you regularly suffer from eye allergies or not, you may have dry eye syndrome. Take a moment and please call us to schedule an appointment with us at Enterprise Eye Group for dry eye treatment in Shasta Lake today.
Shasta Lake Optometrist
3080 Victor Ave
Redding, California 96002
By Enterprise Optometry Group
April 28, 2015
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