Chico eye test
A Vision screening and an eye exam are both important tools used to maintain eye health. However, they’re very different and are done for very different reasons. A vision screening is a very basic
Chico eye test while comprehensive eye exams are very thorough. You should get a comprehensive eye examination every year unless otherwise directed by your eye doctor.
A vision screening is a brief Chico eye test that can be performed by pediatricians, school nurses and is performed at your DMV office for the purposes of driver’s licenses. The objective of a vision screening is to identify people who are at risk for vision problems. It’s not meant to be a substitute for a comprehensive eye examination. A comprehensive eye examination is a complete and very thorough exam that must done by an eye doctor like ours at Enterprise Optometry Group. The optometrist not only assesses if you have a refraction error and need prescription eyeglasses but also checks the overall health of your eyes during this complete exam. You’ll be well taken care of when you come to Enterprise Optometry Group for your annual eye exam. If you need prescription eyewear, we have an extensive selection to choose from. We have a very large selection of men’s, women’s and children’s eyeglasses. We also have sunglasses, reading glasses and a great selection of designer frames. If you’re interested in contact lenses, our optometrist will perform a contact lens exam and fitting. Depending on your needs and preference, you’ll be able among our various contact lens options. We have a great selection of different contact lenses such as extended wear, daily wear and soft and rigid permeable to meet the various needs of our clients.
Contact our practice to set up your
Chico eye test today. One of our friendly associates would be happy to assist you. We look forward to helping you soon.
By Enterprise Optometry Group
July 16, 2018
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